The Household Profile Page

Households give you the ability to create a natural grouping of individuals. This grouping can be used to maximize the efficiency of your mailings. For example, if multiple donors live at the same address it is more efficient to send one piece of mail to the entire household as opposed to each individual in the household.

The Household Profile displays information about a household as well as provides functionality for managing the household.

Household Profile Information

The household profile displays the following information:

  • Household Name - displayed at the top of the profile in bold text.
  • Household Address - displays the address of the individual who is desginated as the head of household.
  • e-mail - displays the email address associated to this household.
  • phone - displays the phone number associated to this household and what type of phone it is (home, business, etc.)
  • fax - displays the fax number associated to this household and what type of fax number it is (home, business, etc.)
  • member - if the household holds a membership this field will display a check mark. If the household has no membership, a red X will display.
  • score - displays the household's Ascore.

Household Profile Actions

The following actions can be accomplished from the Household Profile:

  • Manage Relationships
  • Add Payment
  • Add Gift
  • Add Membership
  • Add Chapter Membership
  • Updating the household address
  • Updating the household telephone numbers
  • Updating the household fax numbers
  • Adding a household credit
  • Adding a household write off invoice (open batch)
  • Adding a miscellaneous transaction
  • Adding notes to the household
  • Adding assignments to the household

Household Profile Child Forms

The Household Profile child form section is divided into tabs. Each tab contains one or more child forms.

The following tabs are available on the Household Profile:

  • Membership
  • Relations
  • Contact Info
  • Accounting
  • Products
  • Log
  • Subscriptions
  • Scoring
  • Correspondence
  • Membership
  • Committees

Membership Tab

The Membership Tab on the Household Profile contains the following child forms:

  • household memberships
  • chapter memberships

Relations Tab

The Relations Tab on the Household Profile contains the following child forms:

  • household relationships

Contact Info Tab

The Contact Info Tab on the Household Profile contains the following child forms:

  • household address
  • telephone numbers
  • fax numbers

Accounting Tab

The Accounting Tab on the Household Profile contains the following child forms:

  • invoices
  • payments
  • credits
  • refunds
  • write offs invoice (open batch)
  • write offs invoice (closed batch)
  • miscellaneous transactions
  • orders

Products Tab

The Products Tab on the Household Profile contains the following child forms:

  • services purchased
  • product fulfillment

Scoring Tab

The Scoring Tab on the Household Profile contains the following child forms:

  • current scoring scales
  • scoring history
  • customer action history - actions
  • customer action history - demographics

Subscriptions Tab

The Subscriptions Tab on the Household Profile contains the following child forms:

  • subscriptions
  • subscriptions issues purchased
  • cancelled subscriptions
  • subscriptions through agency

Correspondence Tab

The Correspondence Tab on the Household Profile contains the following child forms:

  • notes
  • assignments
  • communications

Log Tab

The Log Tab on the Household Profile contains the following child forms:

  • address change log
  • address correction errors
  • member dues history